See the original c
implementation here:
Sean Middleditch and contributors
The author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this code under copyright law.
libtelnet provides safe and correct handling of the core TELNET protocol. In addition to the base TELNET protocol, libtelnet also implements the Q method of TELNET option negotiation. libtelnet can be used for writing servers, clients, or proxies.
For more information on the TELNET standards supported by libtelnet, visit the following websites:
The TS api is a simple wrapper for the libtelnet package.
import { Telnet, CompatibilityTable, TelnetOption } from "libtelnet-ts";
import net from "net";
const server = net.createServer();
let table;
server.on("connection", (socket) => {
const telnet = new Telnet(table);
// all bytes must immediately pass through telnet as a Buffer or Uint8Array
socket.on("data", (bytes) => {
// any bytes that should be sent to the client must pass through the telnet protocol
telnet.on("send", (event) => {
// sanitized data and properly escaped from telnet
telnet.on("data", (event) => {
// inspect the incoming bytes by writing them to stdout
// this data should be sent back to the client, send the bytes through telnet
// always call telnet.dispose() when a socket closees
socket.on("close", () => {
Telnet.ready.then((e) => {
// must wait for the runtime to initialize the table
table = CompatibilityTable.create()
.support(TelnetOption.ECHO, true, false) // local and remote echo
The libtelnet-ts API contains several distinct parts. The first part is the constructor and dispose methods. The second part is methods for pushing to the telnet processor. The third part is the output functions, which generate TELNET commands and ensure data is properly formatted before sending over the wire. The final part is the event handler interface.
This document covers only the most basic functions. See the libtelnet manual pages or HTML documentation for a complete reference.
In order to use this module inside deno, first install the
package locally, or perform a git clone. This module
requires the use of std/node/module.ts
to be
Then use the following script to bootstrap telnet.
import { createRequire } from "";
const require_ = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const telnet = require_("./node_modules/libtelnet-ts/lib/index.js");
Using libtelnet requires the initialization of a Telnet
which references a telnet_t
struct inside Web Assembly for all
current option states for a single TELNET connection.
Initializing a Telnet
object requires several pieces of data.
One of these is a CompatibilityTable
support reference, which
specifies which TELNET options your application supports both
locally and remotely. This table is comprised of entries, one for
each supported option. Each entry specifies the option supported,
whether the option is supported locally or remotely.
import { Telnet, CompatibilityTable, TelnetOption } from "libtelnet-ts";
let table;
Telnet.ready.then((e) => {
// choose whatever options you want to support here
table = CompatiblityTable.create()
.supprt(TelnetOption.BINARY, localSupport, remoteSupport)
// write the table into web assembly
The local
parameter denotes whether your application supports
the option locally. It should be set to true
if you support it
and to false
if you don't. The remote field denotes whether the
option is supported on the remote end, and should be true
if yes
and false
if not.
You must always call finish()
or the table will not be used.
If you need to dynamically alter supported options on a
per-connection basis then you may use a different table
(dynamically allocated if necessary) per call to new Telnet()
you share a single constant table like the above example between
all connections if you support a fixed set of options. Most
applications will support only a fixed set of options. Please note
that you must deallocate each created table when the connection is
disposed by calling compatibliityTable.dispose()
or you will have
a very large memory leak in your application.
new Telnet(table, flags);
The Telnet
constructor is responsible for allocating memory
and initializing the data in a telnet_t structure inside web
assembly. It must be called immediately after establishing a
The table
field is a CompatibilityTable
reference as
described above.
The flags parameter can be any of the following flag constants bit-or'd together, or 0 to leave all options disabled.
Operate in proxy mode. This disables the RFC1143 support and
enables automatic detection of COMPRESS2 streams.
Receive data with translation of the TELNET NVT CR NUL and CR LF
sequences specified in RFC854 to C carriage return (\r) and C
newline (\n), respectively.
If the Telnet
constructor fails to allocate the required memory,
the returned pointer will be zero, and throw a runtime error.
Releases any internal memory allocated by libtelnet-ts for the given
object. This must be called whenever a connection is
closed, or you will incur memory leaks. The pointer passed in may
no longer be used afterwards.
telnet.receive(bytes: ArrayLike<number>): void
When your application receives data over the socket from the remote end, it must pass the received bytes into this function.
As the TELNET stream is parsed, events will be generated and sent
out of the Telnet
event emitter methods. Of particular interest
for data receiving is the Telnet.on("data", callback)
which is triggered for any regular data such as user input or
server process output.
socket.on("data", (buffer) => {
telnet.receive(buffer); // pass it to telnet immediately
telnet.on("data", (event) => {
// This event represents incoming data from the telnet connection.
// Process your application input in *this* event, not the socket
// data event.
All of the output functions will invoke the
telnet.on("send", callback);
Note: it is very important that ALL data sent to the remote end of
the connection be passed through the Telnet
object. All user
input or process output that you wish to send over the wire should
be given to one of the following functions. Do NOT send or buffer
unprocessed output data directly!
telnet.iac(command: TelnetCommand): void;
Sends a single "simple" TELNET command, such as the GO-AHEAD commands (255 249).
telnet.negotiate(cmd: TelnetNegotiationCommand, option: TelnetOption): void;
Sends a TELNET negotiation command. The cmd parameter must be one
of TelnetCommand.DO
, TelnetCommand.DONT
, TelnetCommand.WILL
or TelnetCommand.WONT
. The option parameter is the option to
Unless in PROXY mode, the RFC1143 support may delay or ellide the request entirely, as appropriate. It will ignore duplicate invocations, such as asking for WILL NAWS when NAWS is already on or is currently awaiting response from the remote end.
telnet.send(buffer: ArrayLike<number>): void
Sends raw data, which would be either the process output from a server or the user input from a client.
For sending regular text it may be more convenient to use
telnet.sendText(text: string): void
Sends text characters with translation of C newlines (\n) into CR LF and C carriage returns (\r) into CR NUL, as required by RFC854, unless transmission in BINARY mode has been negotiated. Strings will be encoded to ANSII and then writen to web assembly memory with a NULL character terminator.
subnegotiation(telopt: TelnetOption, data: ArrayLike<number>): void;
This method starts a subnegotiation for a telnet option. It encodes the provided data buffer properly for emission to the socket, including the end marker.
libtelnet-ts relies on an event-handling mechanism for processing the parsed TELNET protocol stream as well as for buffering and sending output data.
The event structure is detailed below.
All of the telnet events were ported from the following c struct
. The TelnetEvent
class is a simple wrapper and
parser for these events, and simply create object literals for
each event.
union telnet_event_t {
enum telnet_event_type_t type;
struct data_t {
enum telnet_event_type_t _type;
const char *buffer;
size_t size;
} data;
struct error_t {
enum telnet_event_type_t _type;
const char *file;
const char *func;
const char *msg;
int line;
telnet_error_t errcode;
} error;
struct iac_t {
enum telnet_event_type_t _type;
unsigned char cmd;
} iac;
struct negotiate_t {
enum telnet_event_type_t _type;
unsigned char telopt;
} neg;
struct subnegotiate_t {
enum telnet_event_type_t _type;
const char *buffer;
size_t size;
unsigned char telopt;
} sub;
The event values of the Telnet
class are described in
detail below.
The only event that MUST be implemented is "send"
. Most
applications will also always want to implement the event
Here is an example event handler implementation which includes handlers for several important events.
// incoming socket data must be written to telnet immediately
socket.on("data", (data) => telnet.receive(data));
// handle your application data buffer here
telnet.on("data", (event) => {
// whenever data is sent through telnet, write it to the socket
telnet.on("send", (event) => socket.write(data));
// make sure to handle telnet errors here
telnet.on("error", (event) => handleError(event));
telnet.on(event: "data", (event: IDataEvent) => void)
The "data"
event is triggered whenever regular data (not part
of any special TELNET command) is received. For a client, this
will be process output from the server. For a server, this will
be input typed by the user.
The event.buffer
value will contain the bytes received and the
value will contain the number of bytes received.
NOTE: there is no guarantee that user input or server output will be received in whole lines. If you wish to process data a line at a time, you are responsible for buffering the data and checking for line terminators yourself!
telnet.on(event: "send", listener: (data: IDataEvent) => void)
This event is sent whenever libtelnet-t has generated data that
must be sent over the wire to the remove end. Generally that
means calling socket.write()
or adding the data to your
application's output buffer.
The event.buffer
value will contain the bytes to send and the
value will contain the number of bytes to send.
Note that event.buffer
is not NUL terminated.
NOTE: Your SEND event handler must send or buffer the data in its raw form as provided by libtelnet. If you wish to perform any kind of preprocessing on data you want to send to the other
telnet.on(event: "iac", listener: (data: IIACEvent) => void)
The IAC event is triggered whenever a simple IAC command is received, such as the IAC EOR (end of record, also called go ahead or GA) command.
The command received is in the event.cmd value.
The necessary processing depends on the specific commands; see the TELNET RFC for more information.
telnet.on(event: "negotiate", listener: (data: INegotiationEvent) => void);
For event.type
or TelnetEvent.DO
The WILL and DO events are sent when a TELNET negotiation command of the same name is received.
WILL events are sent by the remote end when they wish to be allowed to turn an option on on their end, or in confirmation after you have sent a DO command to them.
DO events are sent by the remote end when they wish for you to turn on an option on your end, or in confirmation after you have sent a WILL command to them.
In either case, the TELNET option under negotiation will be in
libtelnet-ts manages most of the pecularities of negotiation for you. For information on libtelnet's negotiation method, see:
Note that in PROXY mode libtelnet-ts will do no processing of its own for you.
telnet.on(event: "negotiate", listener: (data: INegotiationEvent) => void);
For event.type
or TelnetEvent.DONT
The WONT and DONT events are sent when the remote end of the connection wishes to disable an option, when they are refusing to a support an option that you have asked for, or in confirmation of an option you have asked to be disabled.
Most commonly WONT and DONT events are sent as rejections of features you requested by sending DO or WILL events. Receiving these events means the TELNET option is not or will not be supported by the remote end, so give up.
Sometimes WONT or DONT will be sent for TELNET options that are already enabled, but the remote end wishes to stop using. You cannot decline. These events are demands that must be complied with. libtelnet-ts will always send the appropriate response back without consulting your application. These events are sent to allow your application to disable its own use of the features.
In either case, the TELNET option under negotiation will be in event.telopt field.
Note that in PROXY mode libtelnet will do no processing of its own for you.
telnet.on(event: "sb", listener: (data: ISubnegotiationEvent) => void)
Triggered whenever a TELNET sub-negotiation has been received. Sub-negotiations include the NAWS option for communicating terminal size to a server, the NEW-ENVIRON and TTYPE options for negotiating terminal features, and MUD-centric protocols such as ZMP, MSSP, and MCCP2.
The event.telopt
value is the option under sub-negotiation.
The remaining data (if any) is passed in event.buffer
. Note that most subnegotiation commands can include
embedded NUL bytes in the subnegotiation data!
The meaning and necessary processing for subnegotiations are defined in various TELNET RFCs and other informal specifications. A subnegotiation should never be sent unless the specific option has been enabled through the use of the telnet negotiation feature.
TTYPE/ENVIRON/NEW-ENVIRON/MSSP/ZMP SUPPORT: libtelnet parses these subnegotiation commands. A special event will be sent for each, after the SUBNEGOTIATION event is sent. Except in special circumstances, the SUBNEGOTIATION event should be ignored for these options and the special events should be handled explicitly.
telnet.on(event: "compress", listener: (data: ICompressEvent) => void)
The COMPRESS event notifies the app that COMPRESS2/MCCP2 compression has begun or ended. Only servers can send compressed data, and hence only clients will receive compressed data.
The event.state
value will be true
if compression has started
and will be false
if compression has ended.
telnet.on(event: "zmp", listener: (data: IZMPEvent) => void)
The event.argc field is the number of ZMP parameters, including
the command name, that have been received. The event.argv
field is an array of strings, one for each ZMP parameter. The
command name will be in event.argv[0]
telnet.on(event: "ttype", listener: (data: ITType) => void)
The event.cmd
field will be either TTypeCommand.IS
or TTypeCommand.SEND
The actual terminal type will be in
telnet.on(event: "environ", listener: (data: IEnvironEvent) => void)
The event.cmd
field will be either TelnetEnviron.IS
, or TelnetEnviron.INFO
The actual environment variable sent or requested will be sent
in the event.values
field. This is an array of IEnvironVar
objects with the following format:
/** An Environ var. */
export interface IEnvironVar {
readonly type: EnvironVarType;
readonly var: string | null;
readonly value: string | null;
The number of entries in the event.values array is stored in event.count.
Note that libtelnet-ts does not support the ESC byte for ENVIRON/NEW-ENVIRON. Data using escaped bytes will not be parsed correctly.
telnet.on(event: "mssp", listener: (data: IMSSPEvent) => void)
The event.values
field is an array of IEnvironVar
objects. The cmd field in each entry will have an
unspecified value, while the var
and value
fields will
always be set to the MSSP variable and value being set. For
multi-value MSSP variables, there will be multiple entries
in the values array for each value, each with the same variable
name set.
The number of entries in the event.values array is stored in event.count.
telneton(event: "error", listener: (data: IErrorEvent) => void)
The TelnetEventType.WARNING
event is sent whenever something
has gone wrong inside of libtelnet (possibly due to malformed
data sent by the other end) but which recovery is (likely) possible.
It may be safe to continue using the connection, but some data may
have been lost or incorrectly interpreted.
The event.msg
field will contain a NUL terminated string
explaining the error.
Similar to the WARNING event, the TelnetEventType.ERROR
is sent whenever something has gone wrong. ERROR events are
non-recoverable, however, and the application should immediately
close the connection. Whatever has happened is likely going only
to result in garbage from libtelnet. This is most likely to happen
when a COMPRESS2 stream fails, but other problems can occur.
The event.msg field will contain a NUL terminated string explaining the error.
Your existing application may make heavy use of its own output buffering and transmission commands, including hand-made routines for sending TELNET commands and sub-negotiation requests. There are at times subtle issues that need to be handled when communication over the TELNET protocol, not least of which is the need to escape any byte value 0xFF with a special TELNET command.
For these reasons, it is very important that applications making use of libtelnet always make use of the libtelnet output functions for all data being sent over the TELNET connection.
In particular, if you are writing a client, all user input must be
passed through to telnet.send()
. This also includes any input
generated automatically by scripts, triggers, or macros.
For a server, any and all output -- including ANSI/VT100 escape
codes, regular text, newlines, and so on -- must be passed through to
Any TELNET commands that are to be sent must be given to one of the
following functions: telnet.iac()
, telnet.negotiate()
or telnet.subnegotiate()
If you are attempting to enable COMPRESS2/MCCP2, you must use the
The MCCP2 (COMPRESS2) TELNET extension allows for the compression of all traffic sent from server to client. For more information:
transparently supports MCCP2. For a server to support
MCCP2, the application must begin negotiation of the COMPRESS2 option
using telnet.negotiate()
for example:
telnet.negotiate(TelnetCommand.WILL, TelnetOption.COMPRESS2);
If a favorable DO COMPRESS2
is sent back from the client then the
server application can begin compression at any time by calling
If a connection is in PROXY mode and COMPRESS2 support is enabled then libtelnet will automatically detect the start of a COMPRESS2 stream, in either the sending or receiving direction.
This feature is not enabled for libtelnet-ts yet, but the following docs and methods will be enabled soon.
The Zenith MUD Protocol allows applications to send messages across the TELNET connection outside of the normal user input/output data stream. libtelnet offers some limited support for receiving and sending ZMP commands to make implementing a full ZMP stack easier. For more information on ZMP:
For a server to enable ZMP, it must send the WILL ZMP negotitaion:
telnet.negotiate(TelnetCommand.WILL, TelnetOption.ZMP);
For a client to support ZMP it must include ZMP in the telopt table as follows:, false, true);
Note that while ZMP is a bi-directional protocol, it is only ever
enabled on the server end of the connection. This automatically
enables the client to send ZMP commands. The client must never
attempt to negotiate ZMP directly using telnet.negotiate()
Once ZMP is enabled, any ZMP commands received will automatically be
sent to the event handler function with the TelnetCommand.Subnegotiation
event code. The command will automatically be parsed and the ZMP
parameters will be placed in the event.argv
array and the number of
parameters will be placed in the event.argc
NOTE: if an error occured while parsing the ZMP command because it
was malformed, the event.argc
field will be equal to 0 and the
field will be null
. You should always check for this
before attempting to access the parameter array.
To send ZMP commands to the remote end, use telnet.sendzmp()
telnet.zmp(command: string, argv: string[]): void;
Sends a ZMP command to the remote end. The command parameter is required, but the argv parameter is optional. The argv array contains the parameters.
MSSP allows for crawlers or other clients to query a MUD server's supported feature list. This allows MUD listing states to automatically stay up to date with the MUD's features, and not require MUD administrators to manually update listing sites for their MUD. For more information on MSSP:
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